Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Havana Bay

Havana Bay / 14ymedio
Posted on February 16, 2016

14ymedio, Havana, 15 February 2016 — With the decline of port activity
in Havana Bay, the environmental pollution that has characterized the
coast of the Cuban capital for decades has diminished. However, much
remains to be done to improve the waters which specialists say are among
the dirtiest in the Caribbean region.

Added to the industrial waste dumped into the two square miles of the
bay every day, is the residential waste coming from the city's sewers
and several rivers that flow into the sea. Some 124 industries
classified as environmentally "aggressive" discharge their waste into
the area and another 53 that are "highly polluting" complicate the

In recent years, there has been a return of fish and marine birds to the
Havana coastline, but the waters still maintains a strong odor of fuel
and evidences a great deal of floating solid waste. The Nico oil
refinery causes profound damage not only to Havana Bay, but also to the
surrounding slums that receive its contaminated emissions.

A long-term project proposes to move the industry towards the Port of
Mariel zone, about 30 miles west of the capital, according to the
official press. The Port of Havana is then intended to accommodate the
cruise ships and tourist yachts, along with associated food and
recreational services.

Source: Havana Bay / 14ymedio | Translating Cuba -

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