Friday, August 14, 2015

As president I would undo Iran, Cuba deals - Rubio

Rubio: As president I would undo Iran, Cuba deals
Alex Leary, Times Washington Bureau Chief
Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:55pm

As we gather here today, two historic events are in progress. The first
is the arrival of Secretary of State John Kerry in Cuba. The second is
President Obama's continued campaign to secure Congressional approval
for his nuclear deal with Iran.

While numerous crises around the globe will require the attention of
America's next president, I would like to focus my remarks today on
these two dangerous developments with Iran and Cuba, as I believe they
represent the convergence of nearly every flawed strategic, moral, and
economic notion that has driven President Obama's foreign policy, and as
such are emblematic of so many of the crises he has worsened around the

These deals demonstrate with jarring clarity how this administration has
failed to anticipate impending crises, ignored the realities of the
globalized economy, and sought to make America liked rather than
respected; the way it has placed politics before policy, adversaries
before allies, and legacy before leadership; the way it has confused
weakness for restraint, concession for compromise, and – most simply of
all – wrong for right.

. . .

I will make this pledge here and now: As president, as a symbol of
solidarity between my administration and those who strive for freedom
around the world, I will invite Cuban dissidents, Iranian dissidents,
Chinese dissidents, and freedom fighters from around the world to be
honored guests at my inauguration.

President Obama has made no such effort to stand on the side of freedom.
He has been quick to deal with the oppressors, but slow to deal with the
oppressed. And his excuses are paper-thin.

. . .

Beginning on day one, I will undertake a three-part plan to roll back
President Obama's deal with Iran and repair the damage done to America's
standing in the Middle East.

First, I will quickly reimpose sanctions on Iran. I will give the
mullahs a choice: either you have an economy or you have a nuclear
program, but you cannot have both. I will also ask Congress to pass
crushing new measures that target human rights abusers and Iran's
leaders involved in financing and overseeing Iran's sponsorship of

Second, I will ensure our forces in the Middle East are positioned to
signal readiness and restore a credible military option. This will be
bolstered by my administration's efforts to rebuild our military by
ending defense sequestration once and for all.

Third, after imposing crippling sanctions on Iran, I will link any talks
to Iran's broader conduct, from human rights abuses to support for
terrorism and threats against Israel. I will insist that a deal must
terminate Iran's nuclear program. Iran will never be allowed to build a
nuclear weapon if I become president – not now, not decades from now.

That would be my policy with Iran – there would be no room for
equivocation, no room for manipulation, and no room for cheating. Some
will say there will also be no room for negotiations. But history
proves otherwise. Iran may not return to the table immediately, but it
will return when its national interests require it to do so.

. . .

I will undertake an equally bold plan to roll back President Obama's
concessions to the Castro regime.

First, on day one, I will give the Castros a choice: either continue
repressing your people and lose the diplomatic relations and benefits
provided by President Obama, or carry out meaningful political and human
rights reforms and receive increased U.S. trade, investment, and support.

Second, I will restore Cuba to the state sponsor of terror list until it
stops supporting designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, helping
North Korea evade international sanctions, or harboring fugitives from
American justice.

Third, I will do everything in my power to provide support to Cuba's
pro-democracy movement, promote greater access to uncensored information
for the Cuban people, and deprive the Castro regime of the funding for
its repressive security state.

[Last modified: Friday, August 14, 2015 12:00am]

Source: Rubio: As president I would undo Iran, Cuba deals | Tampa Bay
Times -

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