Miami monument in honor of Cuban political prisoners is destroyed
Someone has destroyed a monument erected years ago in honor of Cuban
political prisoners.
The monument outside the Casa del Preso at 1140 SW 13th Ave. was damaged
Thursday night by a vehicle that apparently smashed into it, causing the
stone, engraved with the names of scores of political prisoners, to
break into pieces. Also damaged was a flagpole that flew a U.S. flag
over the memorial.
"We are concerned that they are vandalizing our monuments," said Luis
Infante, president of the organization that takes care of the monument,
Presidio Político Histórico Cubano. He added that there have been
previous acts of vandalism. "We want the community and the authorities
to be aware of these incidents."
Renan Llanes, founder and director of the Casa del Preso, said material
damages are replaceable. But acts against monuments to Cuban martyrs and
symbols "strikes you in the heart." Llanes, like hundreds of others, was
jailed as a political prisoner following Fidel Castro's rise to power.
"After having been in prison [in Cuba] and suffered so much, to be
attacked here is unacceptable," Llanes said.
An incident report was filed with the Miami Police Department. A police
spokesman declined to discuss the case because it remains under
Follow Abel Fernández on Twitter @abelfglez
Source: Miami monument in honor of Cuban political prisoners is
destroyed | Miami Herald Miami Herald -
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