Saturday, November 29, 2014

Extremes Meet

Extremes Meet / Regina Coyula
Posted on November 28, 2014

I am not Argentinian nor did I lose someone during that country's
military dictatorship, but I am appalled to learn about the agreement
between Jorge Videla and Fidel Castro as well as by the selective memory
of the mothers and grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo. What would Stella
Caloni, someone always in the Cuban media, say about this? Or the
current Argentinian president, Cristina Fernandez, in her crusade for
human rights?*

On Telesur last night I saw Juan Carlos Monedero, one of the leaders of
the new left-wing Spanish political party Podemos (We Can), demanding to
know what Spain's democratic leaders had done to counter the excesses of
Latin American dictatorships while showing a photo of none other than
King Juan Carlos together with Videla.

Fidel Castro seems to be in no position to explain anything. Emilio
Aragonés, Cuba's ambassador to Argentina at the time, died incognito
years ago. (His death did not merit even a brief obituary on page 2 of
Granma.) One of our shrewd journalists should get to the bottom of this.

And I personally believe someone from the government should provide an
explanation and issue an apology.

*Translator's note: The author is referring to recently released secret
cables indicating that in 1977 Cuba asked Argentina's right-wing
military government, then led by Jorge Rafael Videla, to support its
admission to Executive Council of the UN World Health Organization in
exchange for the Cuba's support of Argentina's continued membership in
the UN Social and Economic Council.

Stella Caloni is an Argentinian journalist and writer. In an
introduction to a recently published biography, Fidel Castro described
her as "a recognized expert in communication" who "untangles the
objectives in the counterinsurgency's media war."
24 November 2014

Source: Extremes Meet / Regina Coyula | Translating Cuba -

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