Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Swap to free Alan Gross depends on Obama, "Cuban Five" spy says

Swap to free Alan Gross depends on Obama, "Cuban Five" spy says
Published June 02, 2014 EFE

The release of U.S. government contractor Alan Gross from a Cuban prison
depends solely on the "political will" of President Barack Obama, a
Havana spy who spent more than 15 years behind bars in the United States
said here Monday.

To support that assertion, Fernando Gonzalez cited Obama's decision to
trade five senior Taliban members being held at Guantanamo for U.S. Army
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the only American POW in Afghanistan.

Gonzalez, one of five Cuban spies convicted by a Miami jury in 2001, was
released from prison in late November and promptly deported.

Three of the "Cuban Five" remain jailed in the United States and Havana
has suggested an exchange of its spies for Gross, who is serving a
15-year sentence in Cuba on a conviction for subversion.

"It's obvious that the only thing needed is the political will on the
part of the U.S. government to bring to fruition that exchange,"
Gonzalez told a press conference on Monday.

The swap of five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl "is evidence that the only
thing lacking is the political will of Obama to resolve this situation,"
Gonzalez said.

The cases of Gross and the Cuban Five, in recent years, have become
points of friction within the already-tense relations between the United
States and Cuba, countries that have not had diplomatic relations for
more than five decades.

Gross, now 64, traveled to Cuba on behalf of a Maryland company that won
a contract from the U.S. Agency for International Development to expand
Internet access and the flow of information on the Communist-ruled island.

Cuban authorities arrested him in December 2009 in possession of
communications equipment.

Havana said he was illegally aiding dissidents and inciting subversion
and in an August 2012 ruling, Cuba's highest court upheld the 15-year
jail sentence imposed on the American.

The Cuban Five have always insisted they were spying on Miami's Cuban
exile community, not the U.S. government.

Cuba says the men were sent to Florida in the wake of several terror
bombings in Havana allegedly masterminded by anti-Castro militant Luis
Posada Carriles, a former CIA operative.

The United States rejects talk of a prisoner swap, instead demanding
that Cuba release Gross without conditions. EFE

Source: Swap to free Alan Gross depends on Obama, "Cuban Five" spy says
| Fox News Latino -

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