Saturday, April 13, 2013

Judge approves Cuban spy visit home

Posted on Friday, 04.12.13

Judge approves Cuban spy visit home
The Associated Press

MIAMI -- A federal judge in Miami has granted a convicted Cuban spy's
request for a visit home for his father's memorial service.

Judge Joan Lenard approved the request Friday, but imposed several
requirements on Rene Gonzalez, who finished his U.S. prison sentence in
October 2011 but remains on probation. Gonzalez's 82-year-old father
died April 1 after a stroke.

Among the conditions are no contact with Cuban intelligence officials,
submission of a detailed travel itinerary and regular communication with
Gonzalez's probation officer in the U.S. Gonzalez was allowed to travel
to Cuba last year to visit his sick brother and returned to the United
States to continue his probation.

Gonzalez is one of the so-called Cuban Five convicted of spying on
exiles in Florida and attempting to infiltrate military installations
and political campaigns. They are celebrated as heroes in Cuba.

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