Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cayman Islands issues advisory for travel to Cuba

Cayman Islands issues advisory for travel to Cuba
Published on July 10, 2012

GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands (GIS) -- Following a cholera outbreak in
Cuba, the Cayman Islands' Medical Officer of Health, Dr Kiran Kumar, has
issued a travel advisory recommending travel to that country on an
essential basis only.

According to media reports Cuba is facing a cholera outbreak 130 years
after the last known case of the disease on the island. As at 7 July, at
least 15 people are dead, and over 1,000 persons are affected by the
current cholera outbreak.

"We advise that residents travel to Cuba only when necessary. If you
have to go, take vital precautions such as ensuring hygienic food
preparation, boiling or purifying all water, and washing hands often
with soap and clean water. Travellers should also carry an ample supply
of oral rehydration salts," said Kumar.

"The chances of importation of cholera into Cayman are limited and, even
if it occurs, our excellent sanitation and safe water will prevent its
spread. In addition, we have adequate facilities and drugs to manage any
cases should importation occur," he added.

Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingesting
contaminated food or water with cholera bacterium. It can take anywhere
from five hours to five days for symptoms to appear after infection, but
usually symptoms appear within 24-48 hours. Cholera infection is often
mild or without symptoms but can sometimes be severe. Approximately one
in 20 (or 5% of) infected persons will have severe disease characterized
by profuse watery diarrhoea, vomiting, and leg cramps. In these people,
rapid loss of body fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without
treatment, death can occur within hours.

According to WHO figures, however, up to 80 percent of cases can be
treated successfully with oral rehydration salts. Although there is an
oral vaccine available for use in endemic countries, it is not available
in the US or in Cayman.

Whilst Kumar noted that the risk of importation of cholera is low, he
applauded the pro-active efforts by various agencies in monitoring the
cholera situation in Cuba and taking the necessary steps to prevent ,
detect and manage any imported cholera cases.

Kumar urged travellers returning from Cuba who develop diarrhoea within
five days to contact a doctor immediately, and state their travel
history so that the right diagnosis can be made.

Tips for Prevention

Travellers to Cuba can greatly reduce the risk of contracting the
disease by following these practices:

• Drink only bottled, boiled or chemically-treated water and/or bottled
or canned beverages.

• Ensure that seals are unbroken when using bottled drinks.

• Disinfect your own water: boil for one minute or filter the water and
add two drops of household bleach or half an iodine tablet per litre of

• Use bottled, boiled or chemically-treated water to wash dishes and
brush teeth.

• Use ice in your drink only if you know it was made from boiled or
treated water.

• Wash your hands often with soap and clean water.

• Clean your hands before you eat or prepare foods, and after using the

• Eat foods that have been thoroughly cooked and are still hot, or fruit
that you have peeled yourself.

• Cook all vegetables. Do not eat salads or other raw vegetables.

• Do not buy food or beverages from street vendors.


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