Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Libya is no Cuba, Gadaffi is no Castro or Che

Libya is no Cuba, Gadaffi is no Castro or Che
Humberto Fontova

"The only real power comes out of a rifle." Joseph Stalin
"Death is the solution to all problems - no man, no problem." Joseph Stalin
"I trust no one, not even myself." Joseph Stalin.
"I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin
that I won't rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated!"
Che Guevara 1956.

A tribal dictatorship on Gadaffi's model is vastly different from a
Stalinist one on the Castro model. Gadaffi's goons-for-pay are certainly
murdering people in Libya—but it appears a haphazard and tardy affair.
"A bumbling, haphazard and amateurish affair," veteran Stalinists Fidel
and Raul Castro are probably nodding to themselves. "We could have shown
Gadaffi the proper remedy for these matters."

"When even a portion of your armed forces turn against you—you've had
it," any Stalinist could have advised Gadaffi. "You nip these things in
the bud."

Upon arriving in Havana in Jan. of 1959 Che Guevara immediately
recognized the moat around Havana's La Cabana fortress as a handy-dandy
execution pit. At Babi-Yar, Hitler's SS had to dig one. Here Che Guevara
and Fidel Castro had one ready-made and so they put their firing squads
to work in triple-shifts.

Cuban-American Scholar Dr. Armando Lago documents 1,168 firing squad
murders in the first few months of 1959. The Black Book of Communisms
estimates 14,000 by the end of the 60's.Vengeance – much less justice –
had nothing to do with this bloodbath. Che's murderous method in La
Cabana fortress in 1959 was exactly Stalin's murderous method in the
Katyn Forest in 1940. Like Stalin's massacre of the Polish officer corps
in the Katyn forest, like Stalin's Great Terror against his own officer
corps a few years earlier, Che's (Castro-ordered) firing squad marathons
were a perfectly rational and cold-blooded exercise that served their
purpose ideally. This bloodbath decapitated – literally and
figuratively--the first ranks of Cuba's Contras.

The victims were overwhelmingly military and police officers. Watching
how many of these refused blindfolds and yelled defiantly at their
murderers before the volley shattered their bodies show that the Cuban
Bolsheviks had been diligent in rounding up the right victims.

The Red Terror had come to Cuba.

Today Cuba's military is fat and happy -- has been for decades. They run
Cuba. The only thing properly describable as an "industry" in Cuba
(tourism) is run primarily by Cuba's generals. They also run the export
industries. If anyone craves "stability" in Cuba, it's these
high-rolling graduates of Cuba' Military Academy—but not just because of
fiduciary considerations.

Tito Rodriguez Oltmans, a former Cuban freedom-fighter and political
prisoner, watched many of these men, as young cadets, perform one of the
requisites for graduation from Cuba's military academy of the time.
"They were all armed with Belgian .308 caliber FALs as they lined up for
the firing squad," recalls Mr. Rodriguez, a prisoner in La Cabana prison
in the early 1960s. "Every evening the cadets would be bused in from the
Managua army base and the Mariel naval base near Havana. As darkness
fell the condemned patriot -- shirtless and gagged -- would be dragged
to the execution wall and bound. The cadets would line up only four
meters in front of the patriot and all had loaded weapons." ... FUEGO!

A brief aside: historically and almost universally, most members of a
firing squad shoot blanks, to assuage their conscience. But such
assuaging would contradict the Cuban firing squads' most vital purpose,
secretly named "El Compromiso Sangriento" (the Blood Covenant.) This
tried and true Soviet scheme was presented by Soviet GRU agent Angel
Ciutat to Che Guevara just weeks after he and Fidel entered Havana in
January 1959. The scene was a meeting at Che's palatial (and recently
stolen) estate in Tarara just west of Havana. Every candidate for
officer, suggested Ciutat, would take his place in a firing squad and
pull the trigger with live ammo.

In front of a genuine Soviet GRU agent, Che (who often signed his name
Stalin II) was undoubtedly smitten and instantly embraced the idea. So
let's see here: a policy suggested by a Soviet butcher and adopted by an
Argentine hobo for murdering Cuban patriots, instantly became government
policy in newly "nationalist" Cuba.

As recently documented by Cuban-American scholar Jose Azel, Cuba's
"Social media" is so tiny as to be essentially irrelevant. Cuba—a nation
with more phones and TVs per capita than most European countries in
1958--today has fewer internet connections per-capita than Uganda and
fewer cell phones than Papua New Guinea. The Stalinist regime is very
vigilant in these matters.

Castro's police state controls what its subjects, read, say, earn, eat
(both food and amount), where they live, travel or work. In the mid
1990's the Catholic Human Rights group Pax Christi headquartered in
Belgium, visited Cuba and (secretly) conducted a study on the status of
the neighborhood snitch committees known as CDR's. Castro, under East
German STASI tutelage, installed these in 1960, making a potential
regime spy out of half the population. Instilling the pervasive fear and
a mutual-suspicion society is essential to every communist dictatorship.

"Fear is the basic instrument of (Cuban) political control," concludes
the study. "There is one CDR for every 140 Cubans. The information at
the State Security's disposal can be used to threaten and intimidate
anybody. There is no place to escape the tentacles of the State. Most
ordinary Cubans reported that they remained intensely wary of CDR
surveillance, even while conversing in their own homes."

The CDRs also supervise the issuing of the monthly food ration cards to
all Castro's subjects. "Food is a weapon" famously snickered Stalin's
foreign minister, Maxim Litvinov during the Ukrainian Holocaust.,_gadaffi_is_no_castro_or_che/page/full/

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